w:war (edwin starr song)|war


w:war (edwin starr song)|war

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Englannin sanakirja

w:war (edwin starr song)|war (englanti > suomi)

  1. sota

w:war (edwin starr song)|war englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä organize Organized, large-scale, armed conflict between country countries or between national, ethnic, or other sizeable groups, usually involving the engagement of military forces.

  2. (ux)

  3. 1917, (w), chapter 17, in My Life and Work:

  4. Nobody can deny that war is a profitable business for those who like that kind of money. War is an orgy of money, just as it is an orgy of blood.
  5. 1944 June 27, w:Herbert Hoover|Herbert Hoover, speech in Chicago, Illinois, to the w:1944 Republican National Convention|23rd Republican National Convention; quoted in Linda Carol Harms Case, Bold Beliefs in Camouflage: A–Z Briefings: A Valuable Resource Highlighting an Extraordinary Collection of Prayers, Military Quotations, Scripture Verses, Bible Stories, Hymns, and Testimonies, Relevant to Core Values and Keywords Used by Chaplains, Leaders, Veterans, and Other Members of the American Armed Forces, Victoria, B.C.; Neche, N.D.: FriesenPress, January 2013, w:International Standard Book Number|ISBN Special:BookSources/9781770976320 978-1-77097-632-0, page 203:

  6. Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die. It is youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow and the triumphs that are the aftermath of war.
  7. (quote-song); (w)|title=w:War (Edwin Starr song)|War|album=w:War & Peace (Edwin Starr album)|War & Peace|artist=(w)|year=1969|passage=War, huh, good God / What is it good for? / Absolutely nothing, listen to me / Oh, war, I despise / 'Cause it means destruction of innocent lives / War means tears to thousands of mothers eyes / When their sons go off to fight and lose their lives

  8. 2007, Carlos Ramirez-Faria, Concise Encyclopaedia of World History:

  9. Germany declared war on France, who reciprocated, on August 3 1939, and England declared war on Germany on August 4, when Belgium was already under invasion.
  10. (quote-journal)|date=20 July 2013|volume=408|issue=8845|passage=Whether modern, industrial man is less or more warlike than his hunter-gatherer ancestors is impossible to determine. (..) One thing that is true, though, is that murder rates have fallen over the centuries, as policing has spread and the routine carrying of weapons has diminished. Modern society may not have done anything about war. But peace is a lot more peaceful.

  11. puhekieltä A particular conflict of this kind.

  12. 1865, (w), "The Surrender at Appomattox":

  13. All human tribes glad token see
    In the close of the wars of (w) and (w).
  14. 1999, (w) at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C, November 8 1999:

  15. A second challenge will be to implement, with our allies, a plan of stability in the Balkans, so that the region's bitter ethnic problems can no longer be exploited by dictators and Americans do not have to cross the Atlantic again to fight in another war.
  16. puhekieltä By extension, any conflict, or anything resembling a conflict.

  17. puhekieltä A campaign against something.

  18. The "war on drugs" is a campaign against the use of narcotic drugs.

    The "war on terror" is a campaign against terrorist crime.

    In the US, conservatives rail against the "war on Christmas".

  19. puhekieltä A bout of fierce competition in trade.

  20. I reaped the benefit of the car dealerships price war, getting my car for far less than it's worth.''

    The cellular phone companies were engaged in a freebie war, each offering various services thrown in when one purchased a plan.

  21. puhekieltä Instruments of war.

  22. Prior

  23. His complement of stores, and total war.
  24. puhekieltä Armed forces.

  25. Milton

  26. On their embattled ranks the waves return, / And overwhelm their war.
  27. puhekieltä A particular card game for two players, notable for having its outcome predetermined by how the cards are dealt.

  28. 2004, Karen Salyer McElmurray, Strange Birds in the Tree of Heaven

  29. We played crazy eights, war, fifty-two card pickup. Rudy flipped the whole deck across the table at me and the cards sailed to the floor, kings, queens, deuces.
